搜索"奥斯丁" ,找到 34部影视作品
In a time now lost in the mists of memory, the great King Arthur rules in the legendary citadel that is Camelot. His Knights of the Round Table perform acts of derring-do and spend their spare time jousting, much to the delight of the local citizens and especially to Princess Ilene, a guest at Camelot. Watching her from afar is a young, inexperienced squire called Valiant, and when the young Welsh princess is sent home to marry Prince Arn, Valiant contrives to accompany her masquerading as Sir Gawain. Meanwhile, the evil sorceress Morgan le Fey, sister to King Arthur, has convinced the tyrannical Sligon, ruler of the Viking kingdom of Thule, that he should steal Arthur's sword, the powerful and magical Excalibur, knowing that its loss could bring about Arthur's downfall. So into the fray comes Sligon's unstable and psychotic brother Thagnar, who manages to steal the sword. Pandemonium reigns. But Valiant is having problems of his own - kidnappers attempt to steal away the Princess, and after various skirmishes, including one with a mysterious character who lives in a cave and purloins treasure, women and other things of value, Valiant manages to return the Princess to her homeland - although he also manages to have a duel with the Princess' jealous fiancé, Prince Arn. All things converge as Valiant is finally informed of his heritage by the stranger from the cave... Boltar of Thule. He informs the lad that he is Prince Valiant, rightful heir to the kingdom of Thule, and with his help, Valiant returns to the land of his birth to rightfully claim what is his.
大胡子莫里斯(蒂莫西•斯波 Timothy Spall ....Ma喜欢还是爱 电影urice Purley 饰)是一个出色的摄影师。他的妻子莫妮卡劝他为当清洁工的侄女罗克珊举办一个派对,庆祝她的21岁的生日,因为罗克珊的母亲辛西娅(布伦达•布莱西恩 Brenda Blethyn 饰)手头没什么钱。所以,弟弟莫里斯愿意为姐姐出点力。 在筹备生日宴会的过程中,辛西娅突然接到了一个神秘的黑人女子霍顿斯(玛丽安•吉恩•巴普迪斯特 Marianne J黑帮老大和我的356日在线观看ean-Baptiste 饰)的电话,经过攀谈,她得知霍顿斯是生活在伦敦的黑人配镜师,并且母亲刚刚去世。两人见面后,霍顿斯跟辛西娅讲述自己的身世,这个隐私直接影响到了罗克珊的生日派对…… 本片获得第49届戛纳电影节最佳影片金棕榈大奖,布伦达•布莱西恩获最佳女演员奖。
生活在伦敦的Amanda是跟我们一样的姑娘,沉闷的生活、一起pk沉闷的工作、日复一日的忍耐,只有沉浸在简奥斯汀的小说里她才能感受到如沐春风的怯意,而《傲慢与偏见》无疑是她最爱的一本。 当她在自己房间里发现了来自200年前的伊丽莎白,Amanda无法相信,这个小说里的女主人公竟然会穿越时光活生生地站在自己面前,而穿越的轨道竟然是自己家的洗衣机门!充满好奇的伊丽莎白对于现代世界同样感到兴趣,正如Amanda对那个优雅的19世纪充满景仰一样,Asnis 258manda通过那道门,走进了小说的世界。遇见了她烂熟于胸的人物,更发现她正处于小说的开端,与一直以来的梦中情人达西会面。 她会改变小说的走向吗?而留在21世纪的伊丽莎白恐怕也要面对适应的问题。
达伦·林恩·鲍斯曼,尼尔·马歇尔,拉齐·马凯,迈克·门德兹,保罗·索雷特,阿克塞尔·卡罗琳,亚当·格拉斯奇,安德鲁·卡什,Dave Parker,Ryan Schifrin,John Skipp
亚当(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)午夜dj 免费是一名在公立医院里行医的妇产科医生,在公立医院里,无论是医疗设备还是人员配给都要远远糟于私立医院,在这里,亚当不仅要面对无休无止的加班,还要和刁钻苛刻的病人斗智斗勇,长期都处在巨大的压力之下。但幸运的是,在医院里,亚当还是交了一些朋友,比如gayroom初出茅庐的实习医生姝娣(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)。 亚当有一个相恋多年的男友哈里(罗里·弗莱克-拜恩 Rory Fleck Byrne 饰),两人之间的感情虽然稳定,但是亚当至今都没有向父母坦露自己的性取向,更别说介绍哈里给他们认识了。一场意外中,亚当的误诊导致了一个婴儿的早产,这件事情成为了在他脖颈上不断freefryvideos性中国收缩的绳索,令他渐渐窒息。
BV(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)是一位对音乐充满了理想抱负的年轻人,为了在行业里立足,他决定和超级制作人库克(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)合作。菲耶(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney 无忧代理器Mara 饰)是库克的女友,同时也是他的助理,在三人相处的过程中,BV和菲耶渐渐相互吸引了。 虽然菲耶和库克一直进行的是开放式的恋爱关系,但BV的插足还是让库克心中感到百般不爽,最终,玩脱的三人分道扬镳。BV和名叫阿曼达(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)的富婆走到了一起,菲耶在女同性恋者佐伊(贝纳尼丝·玛尔洛 Bérénice M含羞草影院免费区arlohe 饰)的身上寻找安慰,而库克则和罗兰(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。
Faruk Šabanović,Amela Ćuhara
In a world tormented by the Horror, the citizens of Birdabad accept the egg-eating tyranny of Kondor and his carrion crew as the price of safety. Gathered in exuberant daily ritual around the great Egguilibrium mechanism, which is tended by the silent owl, Hasan永恒影院7yh, they unthinkingly trade their eggs for fruit. Hupu, a beautiful and reckless young bird, is determined to save her egg from this terrible fate and with the help of Hasan, who is her husband, and a magical seed, she opposes Kondor and disrupts the system. In the wild chase that follows Hupu, Hasan, Ko甜蜜惩罚真人版日剧全ndor and a tiny busy-body chick called Mi, find themselves flung out of Birdabad into the jaws of the Horror. Terrified, confused, murderously angry with each other, this ill-assorted band form a reluctant alliance with a most p借贷宝视频下载eculiar guide, who promises to help them get home, if they will help him reach the Sun. Only Hupu knows that their guide is blind. Travelling from a vast modern city to the top of a volcano, down the ...