搜索"Ita" ,找到 610部影视作品
Mikael Salomon
《奇妙的历史/Unna十分钟免费观看在线播放tural History》以主人公亨利(Henry)在博物馆的奇遇故事展开。 亨利从小随父母飘泊国外,无拘无束的成长,可谓是"自然之子",聪明、倔强、坚强、自信。由于长年不在美国生活,他早已经与同龄孩子的成长背景脱节,性格中也多了几份散漫,父母决定送他回国念书。于是,极不情愿之下,他来到舅舅布莱恩(Byran)的史密森高中上学。这所高中隶属于国家博物馆,珍奇轶事应有尽有。学校的老师也极富个性,冷漠、怪诞、严肃、亲切....唯一相同的是极其聪明,任何小动作都逃不过这些老师的法眼。这些令长期不受拘束生活的亨利倍感不适。虽然与堂弟贾斯帕(Jaspar)共处一室,得到他的帮助。但是,从家里到学校,亨利需要适应所有陌生的事物。学校里,除了死党贾斯帕的帮哇嘎软件助,他还有堪称万能生的玛吉(Maggie)来相助,任何有关美国历史的盲点,只要有玛吉就迎刃而解。 博物馆的藏品千奇百怪,探索历史的同时也伴随各种危险,这个高中版的印第安那·琼斯多年自然状态下的生活使他尝到不少知识,正好派上用场。然后,这里的神秘力量却远不是他能想象得到的。那么,亨利和两个好友,贾斯帕和玛吉将如何应对各种突如其来的奇遇,历史背后还有多少神奇的故事等着他们来探究呢? 本剧延用魔美女图5200幻剧手法,演绎少年探险故事,其中包含各种美国历史的内容,博物馆之内藏有无数的奇遇和历史知识。奇遇之中又有文化底蕴,是此剧的最大看点。
Andrey Zagidullin
Contemporary Moscow. After a car accident, champion ath西西动漫lete Sergey Borozdin suddenly has鬼王的金牌宠妃 a psychic ability to see past events. When he becomes a suspect in a series of murders, he is forced to use this abil言婚不言爱ity to find the real killer.
Prueksa Amaruji
The tumultuous tale of "Risa" (Bella-Ranee Campen红瞳), who runs a wedding planning company, along with her close-knit circle of friends including "Jan" (Baifern-Passakorn Ponlaboon) and "Aoffy" (Pingpong-Thongchai Thongkanthom). They find themselves tasked with orchestrating a grand wedding for "Arun" (Mahir Pandi) and "Monica" (Anahita Bhooshan), an Indian newlywed couple who have brought along a substantial entourage of relatives to conduct their ceremony in Thailand. With "Tim" (Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree) serving as the event's photographer, this Indian wedding extravagax战警逆转未来迅雷下载nza is poised to be filled with turmoil as former lovers reunite. Join us as we find out who reconnects with their ex and whether love and bygones will resurface.
比利(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)和怀特(彼得·方达 Peter Fonda 饰)用一次毒品交易的钱骑着他们的机车上路了,他们的目的地,是新奥尔良的狂欢节。在路上,他们经过了离群索居的波西米亚人群落,短暂逗留的数天里钟丽缇晚娘在线观看目睹了他们自由放浪但也贫穷困苦的生活。在德克萨斯州,他们仅因为行为举止诡异就被警察关进了监狱,在那里,他们遇见了律师汉森(杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰),汉森帮助他们逃离了牢狱之灾,他们怂恿汉森同他们一起上路。抵挡不住内心的骚动,汉森同心灵传输者1意了。三人来到一个保守的小镇,在那里受尽了居民的白眼。不受欢迎的三人只得露宿荒野,夜里,当地的居民乔装袭击了他们,汉森被打死。比利和怀特虽然震惊,但这一切都没能阻止他们前进的脚步。到达目的地的两人并没有感到喜悦,有的只是无尽的空虚,沮丧的两人打道回府,但令人意外的是,一个卡车司机和他的双杆猎枪使得他们的行程截然而止。 这是影史上最伟大的公路电影,也是为数众多的公路电影的鼻祖。
Abhishek Chaubey
Taking on from where we left off, Dedh Ishqiya discovers yet another escapade of Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi), a poetic journey underlined with revenge, drama and deception. The Begum (Madhuri Dixit-Nene) of Mahmudabad is hosting a festival of poetry and music in her mansion. The country’s best poets are in town. Khalujan posing as the Nawaab of Chandpur, is participating as a poet in the 圣剑铸造师festival. He is not there merely to show off his poetic wares but to impress the widowed Begum who, as the grapevine suggests, is scouting for a husband -preferably a poet.Babban (Arshad Warsi) arrives in Mahmudabad to take Khalujan back to their old life but his plans change the moment he sets his eyes on Begum’s maid a赌圣国语高清nd confidant, Munira alias Muniya (Huma Qureshi), a brash and sexy young woman.Muniya too has plans of her own. She leaves the palace every now and then in a disguise to meet gangsters in dark alleys. The palace is rife with intrigue. The shayari is dropped for the guns, daring chases and hidden intentions. In the end, love triumphs even if the players of the story do not.
一个关于中国和以色列的故事。 At thirty-seven, Miri is a twice-widowed, El Al flight attendant. Her well-regulated e新十二生肖百度影音xistence is suddenly turned upside down by an abandoned Chinese boy whose m双探电视剧igrant-worker mother has been summarily deported from Israel. The film is a touching comic-drama in which two human beings -- as different from each other as Tel Aviv is from Beijing -- accompany each other on a remarkable journey, one that takes the小小影视在线观看m both back to a meaningful life.
高中生潔西卡、班尼、迪安、艾瑞克和琳達,打算用手機拍攝他們的冒險經歷影片,只為了能在社群網站上獲得人氣。他們決定潛入一間有名的廢棄公寓,琳達說服管理員讓他們進去後,五人發現了一間被警用封鎖線圍起來的公寓,在好奇心驅使下他們闖入了求网站你们懂的公寓。 他們四處搜索,並在房間裡發現了一張老舊的牛皮紙,身為唯一看得懂牛皮紙上文字的人,琳達朗讀紙上咒語,一個神秘的入口突然出現…五人發現自己無意間打開了通往神秘世界的入口,不僅如此,還觸怒了守護入口的超自然生物⋯。一場變調的試膽大會,喚醒了驚悚的靈異殺機,現在他們心中只剩下對死亡的恐懼、與回家的渴望……