搜索"Ne" ,找到 8145部影视作品
Frank Pérez-Garland
A single mother and the man who has not been able to forget her since she was 23 years old. A woman who yearns to be a mother and a single father in her fifties who only thinks about her. A discouraged man who starts dating a driver who gives love advice on the radio. And a mature woman who comes from Miami looking for new experiences. A crazy and funny musical comedy where the characters will discover that it is never too late to be crazy again of love.
Sokyou Chea,Inrasothythep Neth
Following her mother’s death, manga artist Soriya travels to her ancestral home in Phnom Penh, with hopes of reconnecting with her distant family and using the visit as inspiration for her work. All goes well initially. Renting an apartment in Metta, a rundown Khmer Rouge-era housing complex, her visit to her maternal relatives finds her welcomed with open arms. But Soriya’s waking hours in the apartment and its surroundings are punctuated by terrifying, bloody visions, almost as though she were a conduit for horrors of the past wanting to seep into the present. Inrasothythep Neth and Sokyou Chea’s blood-chilling psychological horror explores a personal and political past through the present, transforming a characterful space into an insidious environment. Surrounded by modern high-rises, this decrepit structure, with its brutalist architecture and peeling surfaces, is a relic from a dark period in history whose painful memories it has absorbed. In tracing Soriya’s ominous journey back to her roots, Tenement hints at a necessary reckoning with Cambodia’s political past without overplaying its historical dimension. It’s an impressive work from a woefully underrepresented national cinema.
Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’ The film takes youthful impetuousness and hatred of oppression as its subject and also ponders the cult of genius and sexual morals. Rainer Werner Fassbinder simultaneously plays both Baal and himself and is surrounded by many actors who were later to perform in his own films. After the film was broadcast on West German television, Brecht’s widow Helene Weigel prohibited any further screenings, arguing that the social circumstances engendering Baal’s rebelliousness had not been adequately explained.
Tara Pirnia
Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet follows the footballer from his beginnings in Portugal, breakthrough start with Manchester United and current career at Real Madrid.
这是一个魔法司空见惯的神奇世界,青年托马斯·沃德(本·巴恩斯 Ben Barnes 饰)的父亲排行第七,他也是父亲第七个儿子。他生来拥有奇怪的能力,总能在昏迷中看到未来即将发生的事情。某天,一个神秘之人找上门来,对方正51电影网是大名鼎鼎的猎魔人格雷戈里(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)。在过去的岁月里,格雷戈里已经失去了许多个徒弟,因此他找到作为第七子的托马斯,带他走上前所未有的修行之路。与此同时,黑暗女王马尔金(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)正耐心地等待血月之夜的到来。届时她的能力将会极大增强,而死对头格雷戈里绝不会对此坐视不管。 时间一分一秒流逝,托马斯必须尽快变得更强……
Nick Chinlund
原美国特种兵杰克•坎贝尔(Max Martini 饰)因殴打残酷暴虐的上司而被逐出兵营,落寞的他回到家乡,却发现弟弟乔伊(Brandon Quinn 饰)被人打成重伤,昏迷不醒。乔伊的妻子莎拉(E蜜芽miya2288188永不失联rin Cottrell 饰)怀有身孕,为了让妻儿生活幸福,他拼命打工赚钱,结果因赌博欠下巨额赌债,为此不得不在黑市拳组织者波普(Nick Chinlund 饰)的安排下参加黑市拳比赛,导致身受重伤。 杰克发誓为弟弟报仇,四处寻找凶手,其高超达科塔 高尤身手被波普相中。在这个狡猾的组织者的策划下,杰克步入黑市拳赛场,一步步向拳场的王者艾赛亚•格里芬(Sidney S. Liufau 饰)发起挑战……
Brendan Foley
美国的考古学家戴维·威勒斯(杰森·贝瑞 Jason Barry 饰)来到爱尔兰进行考察,他对沉在沼泽内的远古僵尸颇有研究。在当地博物馆女助理塞尔丝夜色福利院在线看·瑞丽(诺拉简·努恩 Nora-Jane Noone 饰)的陪同下,他们驱车外出寻找研究点。然而,一场突如其来的车祸打断了戴维的计划,他和塞尔丝来到一座猎人的小木屋,在这里遇到木屋的主人(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)以及其他几名因各种原因滞留于此的路人。 与此同时,几名施工者从地下挖出一具埋藏两千年的尸体,不久,尸体神奇复活。他四处行走,对待怀有恶意的家伙毫不手软。戴维和猎人他们不慎惹到这个大家伙,一连uram 001串残酷的杀戮就此展开……
Nneka Onuorah
Megan Thee Stallion: In Her Words offers unprecedented access to the multi-faceted woman behind the person中国好声音第二季冠军a. Follow the Houston native’s jour3366单人小游戏大全ney on the road to stardom as she tenaciously navigates fame, grief, pressure and success. The documentary unpacks Megan’s most vulnerable moments in a powerful way that allows fans to无情的温柔 meet the real Megan Pete.
伦敦市中心发生的致命爆炸摧毁了美国大使凯特·怀勒(凯丽·拉塞尔饰)的世界。凯特努力重建破碎的生活和四分五裂的团队,而她最担心的事情也随之而来:这场导致她被派往英国的袭击并非来自敌对国家,而是来自英国政府内部。在追查真相的过程中,她唯一真正的盟友是她的准前夫哈网站你懂我意思正能量在线观看不用下载尔·怀勒(卢夫斯·塞维尔饰)— 他不仅活得好好的,还参与了很多事情。凯特面临着岌岌可危的婚姻、与英国外交大臣奥斯汀·丹尼森(大卫·吉亚西饰)的复杂关系,以及来自副总统格雷斯佩恩(艾莉森·珍妮饰)的一次威胁性访问。 豪宅、国家机密、叛国罪、下午茶 — 由创剧人、剧集主管兼监制黛博拉韩剧电视剧大全·卡恩执导的荣获艾美奖提名的剧集《头号外交官》推出第二季。贾尼丝·威廉斯、艾利克斯·格雷夫斯和凯丽·拉塞尔担任监制。演员阵容还包括阿丽·安、罗里·金尼尔和艾托·艾桑多。
Alain Deruelle,Olivier Mathot,Julio Pérez Tabernero
Afte模拟炒外汇r botching a kidnapping, two criminals hide with their victim in a friends house in the jungle. After one of them rapes the friend's wife, they're left to be eate新金瓶梅龚玥菲下载n by a nearby cannibal tribe.
Jeff Beltzner
After accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, a professional wr大公鸡导航estler takes a job at a group home for youth offenders. But when a psych天龙八部3迅雷下载opath wearing a wrestling mask begins butchering the teenage residents, their rehabilitation will become a no-holds-barred battle for survival…