搜索"Il" ,找到 7037部影视作品
When a group of horny teens wind up on the grounds of a creepy abandoned asylum, they think they’ve found the perfect place to party. Little do they know that inside the building’s crumbling walls lurks a freakishly deformed maniac, driven to madness 快手宏楠全部视频by the tragic loss of his fiancée in a car accident. With an array of grisly surgical tools at his disposal, it’s only a matter of time before the youngsters begin meeting various splattery ends at the hands of the ghoulish Coroner. Helmed by director Richard Friedman (Scared Stiff and Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge), and also starring Penthouse Pet of the Year 1988 Patty Mullen (Frankenhooker), Doom Asylum combines outlandish gore and a wise-cracking villai狼将军和他的兔子OMEGAn to create one of the most wildly entertainingly blood-spattered slashers of the late ’80s.
Three college students, Ryan, Jake, and邹永成 Erica, set out to film a great horror movie for one of their class projects; but during filming, something goes terribly wrong and the students suddenly find themselves in their own worst nightmare. Some of the events are caught on tape by the camera that Jake continues to record with, a camera that is later retrieved by two detectives, A女人下面粉嫩水大dams and Dalton. It's now a race against time, and the detectives must use the video to rescue the students. As the case goes deeper, the detectives eventually find themselves in the middle of a dense forest on the outskirts of t呕吐戈尔own, and what they uncover is far worse than what they could have ever imagined
Ben Kellett
2012新年伊始,爱尔兰喜剧演员Brendan公主驸马育儿记 O'Carroll和他的家人为观众带来令人捧腹的《布朗夫人的儿子们 第二部》。上一部中,布朗夫人的小儿子Dermot和女友M穿书肤滑娇软糯女配haria顺利完婚,儿子Rory也终于在家人的鼓励下勇敢出柜,女儿Cathy单身多年后终于找到了一个警察男友,整日迷糊的爷爷也通过“装死”一窥了自己在大家顾念池遇小说全文免费阅读心目中的位置。第二部以Mrs. Brown在外传教多年的另一个儿子Trevous回家过圣诞开始,他又会给这个吵闹却温暖的家里带来什么新的笑料呢?