搜索"迈克尔·" ,找到 5332部影视作品
蒂姆(布兰顿·思怀兹 Brenton Thwaites 饰)和凯丽(凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 饰)背负着灰暗而又沉重的过去,眼睁睁地看着父母在面前菠萝蜜app视频入口悲惨地死去,这成为了姐弟两人记忆中无法痊愈的伤痕。时间飞快地流逝着,然而伤痛却没有因此而淡去,在此期间,蒂姆和凯 丽一直都没有放弃过寻求真相的机会。终于,功夫不负有心人,两人发现,一切惨剧的始作俑者就藏在家猛鹰突击兵团中的古董镜子之中。 为了终结悲剧,蒂姆和凯丽返回老家想要将镜子摧惊爆13天毁,令两人没有想到的是,他们的举动却在无意之间成为了打开地狱大门的钥匙。鲜血、恐惧、愤怒、悲哀,在排山倒海而来的回忆之中,他们开始搞不清楚,究竟什么是虚幻,什么是现实。
After a short split prologue showing riches as the root of evil in ancient and modern times, the film settles into 1914 France, where the Orient Express is about to be wrecked when a bridge washes out. Among those on board are Al and Travis, Americans who are traveling Europe spending Travis' money, and Marie, a German girl. The boys save Marie after the wreck and Travis falls in love with her. When World War I breaks out Al wants to enlist, but Travis can't, feeling loyal to Marie, a German. By 1917 Al has enlisted, and Travis follows him shortly after marrying Marie. Accused of being a German spy by a Russian agent, she is sentenced to die but is recognized by Travis, who is part of the firing squad. The town they are in is shelled and they are all trapped underground, during which a minister makes a lengthy parallel to ancient times when the King of Akkad persecuted his subjects and defied Jehovah, who finally sends a flood to wipe out mankind, except for Noah and his family, whom he has instructed to build an ark and fill it with two of every creature on earth.
The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves.
Based on the actual 11-day disappearance of famed mystery writer Agatha Christie in 1926, the film fictionalizes her whereabouts during that time. When her husband announces that he is leaving her for another woman, Christie creates a mystery out of her own life by hiding in a Harrogate hotel and plotting revenge on her spouse while all of England searches for her. The report上海订餐er who finds Christie tries to foil her plan and finally falls in love with her.
在罪恶横行的高汉市,有一个令罪犯们心惊胆颤的名字:蝙蝠侠。蝙蝠侠(迈克尔•基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)穿梭于最黑暗的角落,四处打击罪恶。在一次打击罪恶的行动中,蝙蝠侠令匪徒尼巴(杰克bl文库肉yin荡受•尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)落入了化学池。尼巴因此面部神经受损,成了永远陈晓东电视剧咧嘴笑的笑面人,人称“小丑”。 “小丑”杀死了团伙的首领,控制了整个高汉市的黑道。“小丑”利用化学药品让人发笑而死,他用这种方法袭击了博物馆,幸得蝙蝠侠及时赶到,挫败了“小丑”的阴谋。在女友碧姬(金•贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)家里时,“小丑”突然袭击,蝙蝠侠巧妙躲过了袭击,意外发现“小丑”就是杀死自己的父母的仇人。 “小丑”这次虏走了蝙蝠侠的女友碧姬,约定蝙蝠在教堂楼顶决一死战!