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故事发生在风景如画的法国乡间,塞西尔(珍·茜宝 Jean Seberg 饰)跟随着父亲雷蒙(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)居住在那里。清新的田园景色和无忧无虑的生活令塞西尔成长成为了一个桀骜不羁的少女,她厌恶循规蹈矩的生活,向往着自由和浪漫。 雷蒙结识了名叫安娜(黛博拉·蔻儿 Deborah Kerr 饰)的美丽女子,两人很快打得火热,但塞西尔却并不喜欢这个有可能成为自己继母的女人,因为安娜的性格对于她来说显得过于保守和严谨,于是,塞西尔找到了父亲的前女友艾尔莎(麦琳娜·德蒙吉奥 Mylène Demongeot 饰),策划让她从中作梗搅黄雷蒙和安娜的姻缘,却没想到自己看似毫无破绽的诡计最终酿成了悲剧。
Paul Cowan
Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia; the annexation of parts of Germany by other countries; the creation of Iraq; and the transfer of German colonies in Africa and China to new colonial masters. It also led to the creation of the League of Nations, championed by President Woodrow Wilson but which the US never joined. When they finally dealt with the issue of war reparations, they imposed a payments schedule on Germany that many believe provided the underpinnings of World War II.
Devastated by the recent kidnapping of his 15-year-old son, Largo Winch looks on, helpless, as his business partner commits suicide during a live press conference. As everything turns against him, as his business empire starts to fail, he discovers that the two events are perhaps linked: if he finds the criminals responsible, he will perhaps see his son again. From Canada to Burma to Hong Kong… Largo doesn’t yet know that his search will lead him straight to hell… An action-packed movie with an intrigue-filled plot that will grip you without respite till the final breathless seconds.
Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences.
罗伯特(小罗伯特•唐尼Robert Downey Jr. 饰)是一名年轻的医生,在1660年的英国,医生这一职位总是受众人敬仰被捧上神坛。受到了查理二世(山姆•尼尔Sam Neill 饰)的邀请,罗伯特决定放弃在医学领域的深造,进入皇宫成为了一名御医,不仅如此,查理二世 还将西莉亚(波利•沃克Polly Walker 饰)嫁给了罗伯特,虽然西莉亚根本对罗伯特没有任何的感情,但她最终还是屈服于了这场政治联姻之中。 在皇宫里,罗伯特结识了宫廷画家费恩(休•格兰特Hugh Grant 饰),这个热情奔放的男人一直都在鼓励罗伯特去追寻自己心中真正所想。罗伯特发现自己深深的爱上了西莉亚。
Lucie Guest
Avery is an unadventurous schoolteacher whose sister secretly signs her up for The Great Holiday Dash, a Christmas-themed reality competition show where she's paired with former hockey player Wes. Despite clashing at first, Avery's puzzle-solving skills and Wes' physical prowess help them excel as they travel from city to city and compete in festive feats that have a local flavor. It's not long before a real connection between these opposites begins to blossom. But when Avery overhears a conversation between Wes and a show producer it threatens to derail their budding romance. Keeping their eyes on the prize, the duo continues to dash to the finish line but there may be a more personal adventure for them still in store.
20-something Aden has no other ambition in life than to become an actor. Most of his time is spent making videos as he applies for roles he’ll never get. After a string of dreadful auditions, where bizarre and humiliating requests are made of him, he comes up with a radical move: he will take full responsibility for finding a role that primarily he, himself, wants to play. This self-assured debut, playful in form and narrative with a fairy-tale edge to it, examines both the commercial work ethic and the concept of identity, which it presents as multilayered and also questionable. At the same time, in its exploration of the given themes, the film doesn’t deny itself a socio-critical tone, nor does it resist the temptation to tease the viewer a little.
1536年5月,安妮·博林,亨利的第二任妻子以及她的五个同伙都死了。随着斧头的落下,托马斯·克伦威尔从血腥的屠杀中走出来,继续他向权力和财富的攀升,而他那令人敬畏的主人,亨利则与他的第三任王后简·西摩在一起,过着短暂的幸福生活。 克伦威尔,一个只有头脑可以依靠的人,没有大家庭支持他,也没有私人军队。在这个残酷而血腥的时代,克伦威尔在行使权力的同时,也面临着道德上的复杂性,他陷入了两难的境地: 一方面是做正确的事情的欲望,另一方面是求生的本能。但是在亨利八世处决了他的王后之后,没有人是安全的。 尽管国内叛乱,叛国者在国外密谋,入侵的威胁将亨利政权推向崩溃的边缘,克伦威尔强烈的想象力在未来的镜子中看到了一个新的国家。整个英格兰都在他的脚下,创新和宗教改革的时机已经成熟。但随着命运之轮的转动,克伦威尔的敌人正在阴影中聚集。 不可避免的问题仍然存在: 任何人能在亨利残忍和反复无常的注视下生存多久?