搜索"Franco" ,找到 181部影视作品
Louis Seguin
Deux vampires font du stop sur les routes de France. Leur objectif: Marinaleda, une petite ville d’杨童舒电视剧Andalousie. Suite à un quiproquo, ils rencontrent Lise-Marine, une jeune femme qui leur propose de les héberger pour la nuit. Elle découvre qu’ils sont des vampires et ils passent la soirée à discuter, autour d’une bonne bouteille de vin.
A baron, with the complicity of a starlet, organizes the theft of the cash wagon on a train, keeping the conductor and travelers at bay, a sample of various humanity: an honorable with the divorced secretary, a psychiatrist with a p思兔atient under treatment, two newlyweds on their honeymoon, a trendy singer with the assistant, a rich and kinky woman. The hit succeeds, but the spoils are squandered to prod黄易全集uce a blockbuster film and everything ends up at a loss; the baron then tries to steal a large load of currency embarked on a ferry, but a sudden strike by the seafarers throws up the plan. Hence the plan to seize a load of diamonds, embarked on a plane departing from Fiumicino destined for Amsterdam.
卡尔·弗兰克林,科林·巴克西,莎拉·皮亚·安德森,虞琳敏,克里斯托弗·米西亚诺,Steve Robin,康斯坦丁·马克利斯,贝瑟妮·鲁尼,Hanelle Culpepper
ABC直接预订成剧的《谷中十日 Ten Days In the Valley》由Tassie Cameron负责,主演原本是Demi Moore,后来由《罪案终结》女星Kyra Sedgwick入替。Tassie Cameron同时还将担任本剧的编剧、制作人和出品人。 Kyra S edgwick将在剧中饰演Jane Sadler,一个工作过度的电视制片人,也是一个正处于艰难离婚过程中的单身妈妈。她的女儿在半夜离奇失踪,从此她的生活和事业都由内而外地遭受到了重击。于她而言,一切都成了谜,喇叭裤飘荡在1983每个人都有不可告人的秘密,没人可以信任。
Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough paeeusstch: they are both thirty-something actors living in Paris. They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the美剧排行榜前十豆瓣 most remote villages of Greenland, where Thomas' father Nathan lives. Amon萌探探探案免费观看g the Inuit community, they will discover the charms of the local customs and their friendship will be challenged.
I saw this film twice on my first trip to Italy (my first European trip, so it already was magical) and loved it, which was high praise, since I'd only been studying Italian for a few months, on my own. As I remember, it's the story of a man in an old actors home who wins a lottery, and runs away with a pretty worker from the home. He is taken advantage of, I remember, but exactly how...? I have looked for this film on video, and I think United Artists may offer it, but perhaps only in Europe. I would love to see it again...Ugo Tognazzi was a wonderful actor, and expressed many things simultaneously, as he did in La Cage Aux Folles. Lucky you if you can see the movie. I was in love with my Primo [Italian] Amore at the time, so perhaps memory has sweetened recollection. But I t苏州万达电影城影讯hink it was lots of fun to watch. I found this film one of the saddest ones which I've ever seen. Dino Risi is a brilliant director and made a great film which shows the aging. Ugo Tognazzi plays the actor who feels too young to be in an "old actor's house". He just can't stand the rules and the other old people so he escape with a young girl. The sad part comes from here because the girl wants her freedom, doesn't love the man and cheats him with other guys. In fact she never told the man that she loved him.
Richard, Gilles et Philippe sont amis depuis près de cinquante ans. Le temps d’un été, ils embarquent avec leurs compagnes sur un magnifique voilier pour 房奴电视剧une croisière vers la Corse. Mais la cohabitation à bord d’un bateau n’est pas toujours facile. D’autant que chaque couple a ses problèmes, et que la météo leur réserve de grosses surprises... Entre rires et confessions, griefs et jalousies vont remonter à la surface. Chacun va devoir faire le point sur sa vie et sur ses relations aux autre纸牌屋第三季剧情s. L’amitié résistera-t-elle au gros temps ?
中世纪,一个修道院发生了一起教士莫名死亡的事件,修道院的主教遂邀请了异地的名声极好的教士William von Baskervill异世之君临天下下载e(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)和他的助手Novize Adson von Melk(克里斯汀·史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)来到修道院调查案件。William在调查中,发现他遭到了许多无形的阻挠和他人的警告,他隐约感觉瑜伽视频教程迅雷下载到这个修道院背后的许多阴谋。更可怕的是,又有几个修道院里的人纷纷遇害,案件变得越来越扑朔迷离。William在2019最新中文字字幕不断深入的调查中,也越来越接近真相...... 本片根据意大利作家安倍托·艾科的同名小说改编,获1988年英国学院奖最佳男演员和最佳化装奖。
年届半百的老男孩米榭,膝下有一个17岁的儿子和刚出生不久的孩子,但他一点也不想负起照顾责任,反而花大把时间泡在摩托车的世界里。肉蒲团之夜销魂 贵妃老男孩离过婚、酗过酒、反复戒毒,还没有固定工作。明明睡得不多,却把人生活得像场失序的恶梦,总在半梦半醒之际试图挣扎著脱身,不让自己被失败淹没。 导演罗伊细腻描绘一位有药物成瘾的中年男子鬼吹灯之龙岭迷窟免费,在遇上生命中各种崩溃时刻――毒瘾发作、照顾新生儿、经济困顿时的处境,带出社会中许多隐形人的人生烦恼。他保留男主角面临困难时偶然展现的纯真可爱,也不以冲突紧张来描绘贫困与成瘾的问题,而是保留真实性,引导观众脱离上帝视角,亦不因悲情而寄予同情。