搜索"Lun" ,找到 185部影视作品
Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast named Lazarus, who carries with him a dark secret that will put everyone at risk. With evocative images, spine-tingling sound-d夏娃的诱惑电视剧esign, and a terrific central performance by Tshamano Sebe, director Harold Hölscher conjures up both visceral scares and a heartbreaking narrative.
Ekalak Klunson
Youngsters living on the edge of the被子里怎么无声自罚超疼 underworld in Bangkok. Their struggles and hopes, longing for pure love in harsh circumstances, are realistically captured in thbl辣文合集is remarkable debut film by Ekalak Klunson.
Mike Plunkett
位于玻利维亚的乌尤尼盐原是全球最大的盐滩,放眼望去是一望无际的偌大白色平原。莫希斯与他的家人世世代代以採盐维生,他无法想像远离家乡到外地生活的日子,然而这个化外之地正面临巨大转变,政府决定建设试验工厂,开採电池的必备原料——锂矿,计划在未来扩大产能,生产单车和电动车电池。各国相继投资这个未来的新兴市场,期待蕴藏丰富锂矿的玻利维亚成为「21世纪的沙乌地阿拉伯」。<日本三级在线播放;br/> 几世纪以前,西班牙殖民者掏光了波托西里科山的银矿,让当地人一贫如洗,至此波利维亚开始重视财富与利润。莫希斯居住的城镇科尔查尼,附近兴建了国际机场,络绎不绝的旅客等不及一看究竟这个世界奇景,使得镇上旅游观光业兴盛。交通便利也导致盐的要价不如从前,莫希斯的哥哥从採盐人变成手工艺匠,他的妻子学习美髮,想要到大城市展开新生活。现代化看似带来富饶的未来,但莫希斯却因为必须改变原本的生活方式感到担忧。 本片是一段充满诗意的旅程,透过採盐人莫希斯的双眼,探究如何在传24小时日本在线视频观看免费统和发展之间寻找身分认同。
Martijn de Jong
A close-knit family is disrupted when the father fails to resurface during a professional dive. No funeral, no goodbye, just a house full of memories. Bur屌丝男士1dened by the elusive loss, Merel evades her husband's death and everything related to it. Her young children become entangled in their search for answers, eventually bringing the family to a hard stand. Merel has no choice but to face the loss in her own unique way, to start a new life together.
艾利亚斯(麦斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)和盖布japonensisjava宾馆里尔(大卫·丹席克 David Dencik 饰)虽然是情同手足的兄弟,却有着截然不同的性格。盖布里尔在大学里教书,过着拮据而又孤独的生活,而向来风流不羁的艾利亚斯则流连于女人堆中,自由而又快活。 一天,两兄弟热带往事豆瓣接到了一个意外的电话,得知了父亲去世的消息,在父亲留下的录影带中,两人震惊的发现,他们竟然不是父亲的亲生孩子,而他们真正的父亲,此时此刻正生活在奥克尼郡岛上。于是,艾利亚斯和盖布里尔踏上了前往奥克尼郡岛的旅途,可到了那里之后,他们才发现,岛上的一切,和他们想象中的是那样的不同。
A heavy summer storm brings a touring horse circus to Kaltenb喜爱夜蒲1在线看ach, the stud farm where Ari now calls home. Ari finds friendship in the circus boy Carlo and gets introduced to the fascinating world of trick riding. Soon Ari notices that the不良人第4季在线观看 show horse Hurricane, aging and injured, is still being forced to perform by the cruel circus director Yiri. Ari and Carlo enlist Ari’s faithful black stallion Windstorm in a plan to save Hurricane, but Yiri has other plans which will endanger Windstorm. It will require some last minute help from Mika to save both magnificen全职法师4全集免费观看t creatures.
Trygve Allister Diesen,Katarina Launing
The drama, which stars Sven Nordin and Carrie-Anne Moss, is based on the best-selling books The Caveman and The Hunting Dogs by writer Jørn Lier Horst. Set in the unique and stunning landscape of Norway, this series follows homicide detective William Wisting as he wrestles with the most challenging and shocking case of his career: a wanted American serial killer preying amongst them. Hollywood actress Carrie-Anne Moss, known for her roles in the Matrix and more recently Marvel’s Jessica Jones, plays FBI Agent Maggie Griffin alongside British actor Richie Campbell (Anuvahood, The Frankenstein Chronicles) who plays Special Agent John Bantham. The pair are brought in to help Wisting and his team apprehend the infamous killer who has eluded capture for years. Leading Norwegian theatre and film actor Sven Nordin (Valkyrien) stars as Detective William Wisting.&嘻嘻导航lt;br /> Meanwhile, Line - Wisting’s intrepid journalist daughter - is chasing headlines, leading her straight into the path of the serial killer. Suddenly, an old case comes back to haunt Wisting, and a dreadful accusation is hurled at him. How will Wisting save other lives when he finds himself suspended and fighting for his own reputation, career and life? Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: "Wisting has already been a tremendous success in Norway, and we have no女子监狱 电影 doubt that BBC viewers will be equally engaged by such a likeable, emotionally complex lead character, and a compelling plot full of twists and turns." Chris Stewart, Commercial Director, Scripted, comments, “Wisting is a multi-layered drama, that is sure to keep BBC audiences in suspense throughout. It’s a classic cat-and-mouse thriller interwoven with some scintillating character performances from a stellar cast. I’m sure the UK audience will embrace this fantastic screen adaptation with equal enthusiasm." This 10 x 45’ is produced by Cinenord and Good Company Films in co-production with Viaplay, Degeto Film, TV3 Norway. Wisting Wisting is created by Katrine Valen Zeiner (Valkyrien) and Trygve Allister Diesen (The Third Eye) who also direc
1907年圣诞,艾柯达家族两代人共享圣诞晚宴,其乐融融。可好景不长,小80s电影电视剧在线观看影片主人公亚历山大(伯特·格福Bertil Guve饰)和芬妮(妮拉·艾尔温Pernilla Allwin饰)的父亲奥斯卡(艾伦·艾德沃 Allan Edwall饰)在排练《哈姆雷特》时突然中风,弥留之际把苦心最新抗日电视剧经营的大剧院托付给妻子艾米莉(艾娃·弗洛灵 Ewa Froling饰)。一年后艾米莉带着一双儿女改嫁冷酷残暴的青年主教爱德华。爱德华的母亲和姐姐专横刻薄,亚历山大与继父的矛盾日益尖锐,却只能默默忍受。当老祖母海伦娜(古娜·沃根Gunn Wallgren饰)得知此事后,暗中请老友帮忙,终让孩子们重获自由。艾米莉也逃离了主教家,从此一家人再次团聚享受着天伦之乐草民影音。 本片获得第56届奥斯卡最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导、最佳服装设计和最佳外语片等多项大奖。
When Rosa is expected to hand her boss the sunt黑道帝王an lotion on a deer hunt, this feels like a sign. Don Reynaldo’s ranch is about to celebrate its farm anniversary, but this passionate hunter’s image is built on a lie. And so, here in the countryside, where men are men, employees are grateful subjects and women diligently and docilely hold it all together, cracks begin to appear in the social life of this microcosm. Ordered around day in and day out, unnoticed by those in her class-conscious surroundings, the menial Rosa gradually becomes an agent of change. While Don Reynaldo’s extended family contorts itself in a bid to save the old order, men begin to arrive at the farm in 披萨恋恋曲pickup trucks. Their appearance at the feast and a threat are enough to make the ageing patriarch fear for his life and his family – and force him to act. All that passes is observed by the animals who, either as trophies on the wall or as livestock out to pasture, seem to sense the end of an old hegemony. With a keen sense of how to deploy omens that herald change, Alejandra Márquez Abella portrays an epochal shift in rural Mexico – as seen by characters who are usually relegated to passive supporting roles.
也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。 死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthon重生在线观看y Hopkins 饰)的家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (克莱尔•馥兰妮 Claire Forlani饰),品尝到人世间时间简史下载爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。
美国登陆太空成功后,下一个目标就是长征火星,原班火箭人已各属新部队,太空总署唯有起用三个毫无太空经验的杂牌军,三人贪玩成性,加上一只顽皮猩猩,一班人马由地球穿梭火星,路途惊险百出,令人笑破肚皮!鲍布·瑞吉扮演一名经验老到的太空人,是太空总署唯一一个人相信这群捣蛋火箭人是任务的合适人选。 ===================================================== 《新火箭人》(Rocketman)是迪士尼于1997年所推出的一部太空喜剧电影,本片的中文片名虽然是翻译作《新火箭人》,但其实本片跟迪士尼1991年推出的动作冒险电影《火箭人》(The Rocketeer)毫无关係。不但故事完全不同,电影风格也差很多,《新火箭人》走的是爆笑颠覆的路线,是一部不折不扣的喜剧片。 《新火箭人》故事是叙述有位名叫 Fred Z. Randall 的奇才,他从小就对火星有种特别的感情,梦想有天能成为踏上火星的太空人。 但是, Fred 平时的言行举止给人的感觉实在有点秀斗,谁都不敢把如此重大的任务托付给他。 但后来就在太空队伍出发在即,一位队员居然意外受伤,递补人员也无法胜任,美国太空总署在万般无奈之下,没有选择的餘地终于同意让 Fred 顶替。 就这样,人类第一次的火星登陆小组升空了,成员除了 Fred 之外,还有队长 Overbeck ,以及美丽的女科学家 Julie ,还有一隻受过专业训练的黑猩猩。 然而,当他们登上火星的时候,必须趁着火星週期性沙暴来袭前完成任务返回地球,不神墓小说然后果就非常不堪设想了。 本片是由 Stuart Gillard 所执导,饰演片中主角 Fred 的是 Harland Williams ,女主角 Julie 则由 Jessica Lundy 担任,饰演 Overbeck 队长的则是 William Sadler。至于担任本片配乐的是 Michael Tavera ,他还配过迪士尼《脱线先生》、《亲爱的,我把我们缩小了》以及迪士尼卡通影集《米老鼠群星会》。然而,本片的原声带却不曾发行。
In order to get out of a financial crisis, high school teacher Balz Naef (53) starts recruiting and training streakers for illegal sports betting. While he and his team help streaking become the new trend sport, his situation does not improve. On th鬼吹灯之黄皮子坟下载e contrary: his troubles have only just begun.