搜索"斯图尔特" ,找到 823部影视作品
可儿(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)厌倦了日复一日的生活,周围一成不变的一切让她简直就快要发疯,于是,可儿做出了一个疯男生被女生性侵狂的决定,成为一名军人。就这样,穿上了迷彩服的可儿被分配到了专门关押恐怖分子的关塔那摩湾监狱,在那里,她遇见了名为阿里(佩曼·莫阿迪 Peyman Moaadi 饰)的穆斯林男子。 监狱里发生的种种事迹韩佳人的电影一再地刷新着可儿的三观,亦让可儿开始思考什么才是真正的公平的正义,与此同时,可儿和阿里之间的关系也产生了变化,一种奇妙的“友谊”成为了联系两人的纽带。然而,可儿终究只是过客,她万万没有想到的是,自己的离开竟然会让阿里丧失继续活下去的希望。
USA的《生死狙击 Shooter》由Mark Wahlberg当执行制片﹑John Hlavin编剧,电视台早前正式预订。该剧确定在美国时间7月19日首播。 Ryan Phillippe(《秘密与谎言 Secrets and Lies》)饰演前海军陆战队狙击手Bob Lee Swagger,他被召参与秘密任务,但途中却被误会是刺杀总统的凶手。 Cynthia Addai-Robinson饰演女主演FBI探员Nadine Memphis,是个充满野心﹑有强大直觉的年轻FBI探员,在局中是个新星,不过她的性格也在过去惹上麻烦。原本调查主角的案件是她升职的高速通道,但 她发现背后实际有被隐藏的阴谋,而因为和主角试图拆破该阴谋,她因而被追杀并逼不得已下与主角组成同盟。该角色原本由Emily Rios饰演。 Omar Epps饰演Isaac Johnson,是前海军陆战队,亦是Bob Lee Swagger的前指挥官。现在是个美国特勤局特工,他征召主外国聊天室角参与秘密任务,却引致主角被追杀。Eddie McClintock饰演Jack Payne。 David Marciano将饰演高级联邦调查局特工John Renlow,Nadine Memphis(Rios饰)的搭档,经过了一生仕途,他特别希望退休。早前演出《闪电侠 The Flash》的Shantel VanSanten饰演主角的网站你懂我意思吧免费网页在线看妻子Julie Swagger,是个坚强的女子,在丈夫出征时,为女儿提供稳定生活。当辛苦工作的她等到主角回家后,却发现美好的梦想被立即打破。 Tom Sizemore饰演循环角色高级CIA特工Hugh Meachum,愿意为自己国家保持国际地位而干任何事。 该剧在2007年Wahlberg主演的派拉蒙同名电影的基础上,由《黑夜传说4:觉醒》的编剧 John Hlavin改编。原著Stephen Hunter的小说《Point Of Impact》是关于Bob Lee Swagger (Phillippe饰演), 一名海军退役狙击手,被骗去参加所谓阻止刺杀总统的行动。
Tim Fywell
故事发生在1934年的英国,菲尔比(托比·斯蒂芬斯 Toby Stephens 饰)、博格思(汤姆·霍兰德 Tom Hollander 饰)和麦克林(鲁伯特·潘瑞-琼斯 Rupert Penry-Jones 饰缘来誓你泰国在线观看)是三位在剑桥大学深造的野合大师前途无量的年轻人,他们受到了苏联海外情报部门的招募,成为了间谍,这就是之后闻名于历史的剑桥间谍帮。三个野心勃勃的年轻人将苏联视为实现他们政治理想抱负的肥沃土壤。 第二次世界大战爆发之后,间谍帮的成员们被英国政府雇佣,在整个战争期间,他们为苏联提供了无数的珍贵情报,可谓是于无形之中影响了整个战局。1951年,博格思和麦克林因为身份败火影忍者330露而逃往了苏联,剩下菲尔比一人顶着巨大的压力接受了来自英国政府的严酷调查。
Ben Harding,Christopher Riley,Sean Smith,Stephen Mizelas,纳特·沙曼,Nathan Williams
Take a mind-blowing journe小草在线视频观看y through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how sci周生如故电视剧在线观看ence, inve非常勿扰ntion, and technology built on one another to change everything.
Amazon直接预订改编自Robert Jordan小说的诗史奇幻剧《时光之轮 The Wheel of Time》,剧集版由Rafe Judkins负责制片。《时光之轮》小说系列共有14部+一部前传(后3部因作者Robert Jordan逝世,改由Brandon Sanderson接手),剧集讲述在一个魔法世界里,只有女性能使用一种被称为两极力的力量,而她们被称为两仪师。 身为两仪师的女主Moiraine(Rosamund Pike饰)和五位年轻男女因故踏上了危险的世界旅程,同时间女主认为他们其中一员是「转生真龙」,在预言中主角一群要么是拯救世界的关键,要么会毁灭人类。 Madeleine Madden饰演Egwene Al’Vere﹑Marcus Rutherford饰演Perrin Aybara﹑Barney Harris饰演Mat Cauthon超能计划在线观看﹑Zoë Robins饰演Nynaeve﹑Josha Stradowski饰演Rand Al’Thor。 已卖出超过9000万本的《时光之轮》系列借鉴了欧洲及亚洲文化及哲学元素,而且有着佛教和印度教提及的时间理论。
Philippa Lowthorpe
改编自Daphne du Maurier的小说Jamaica Inn Set in 1820 against the backdrop of the windswept Cornish moors, the story follows年轻人看的视频大全 Mary’s journey when she is forced to live with an aunt at the eponymous inn after the death of her mother and discovers it to be the hub of a smuggling ring.
Episode 1: The Russian House Foyle stumbles upon an international cover up, which, if exposed could bring down the British government, and reveal the War Office’s darkest secret yet. Episode 2: Killing Time Foyle goes h白色陷阱ead to head against the might of the US army, as racial prejudices erupt when a local girl is found murdered, and the finger of suspicion points to a black GI at the US military base. Episode 3: The Hide The newly retired Foyle battles to save a young man accused of high treason from the executioner’s noose, in a case that will shatter his personal world to the core.
Episode 1 -天堂在线www最新版 The Eternity Ring MI5 suspects British atomic research has been infiltrated, and ask Foyle to investigate whether a Russian spy network could be at work in the heart of London. Episode 2 - The Cage Foyle’s investigation into the death of a nameless Russian leads to a mysterious military facility and the discovery that the vi新神雕侠侣陈晓版ctim was a spy with dangerous connections to British intelligence. Episode 3 - Sunflower Professor Peter Van Haren gives a lecture to a group of students on the self-portraits of the artist Rembrandt and causes a young man to suffer a frightening flashback which 李献计历险记 下载ends in tragedy.
Episode 1: High Castle A university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of interna赘婿免费观看电视剧tional oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy. Episode 2: Trespass As Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated. Episode 3: Elise A墨沉域苏小柠全文免费阅读fter an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
1975 和 1976 年,泰国、尼泊尔和印度各地发生了一系列犯罪事件,年轻的西方旅行者接二连三地被杀害,伪装成宝石商人在这条亚洲“嬉皮之路”上游荡的查尔斯·索布拉吉和其女友玛丽-安德烈·雷克拉克(珍娜·科尔曼饰)成为主要嫌疑人。无意中卷入这一错综复杂的犯罪网络后,荷兰驻泰国大使馆的初级外交官赫尔曼·克尼彭伯(比利·豪尔饰)接触到其他证人,他们目睹过索布拉吉如何操纵人心,爱我就别想太多在线观看免费并和赫曼的配偶安吉拉(艾丽·巴姆博饰)及各国警察一起帮助赫曼发起了特别连锁行动,将索布拉吉列为国际刑警组织的头号通缉犯,并在多个大洲发出逮捕令。这部八集限定剧由塔哈·拉希姆饰演查尔斯·索布莱,珍娜·科尔曼饰演玛丽-安德莉·勒克莱尔,比利·豪尔饰演赫曼·克尼彭博;艾丽·巴姆博饰演安吉拉·克尼彭博,阿梅什·爱迪威拉饰演阿杰·乔杜yellow免费观看完整里,以及蒂姆·麦克纳尼饰演保罗·西蒙斯等。《蛇惑》由 ITV Studios 的 Mammoth Scree 出品,由 BBC One 和 Netflix 联合制作。本剧的编剧为理查德·瓦电视剧嫁入豪门全集洛和托比·芬雷,导演为汤姆·森兰和汉斯·贺伯斯,制作人为史蒂芬·斯莫伍德,监制为理查德·瓦洛、汤姆·森兰以及 Mammoth Screen 的普雷蒂·马瓦哈利和达米安·蒂默。《蛇惑》在泰国和英国拍摄,并改编自真人真事,但所有对话纯属虚构。
《国土安全 Homeland》的幕后Patrick Harbinson为ITV开发小说改编的3集剧《塔楼 The Tower》,根据Kate London小说改编的《塔楼》讲述一名老巡警及一名少女从伦敦东南部一座塔楼坠落身33eeecom亡,而在屋顶上的五岁孩子及新人警官Lizzie Griffiths则双双失踪。 警长Sarah Collins被征召加入调查,她努力搜索Lizzie,但却发现背后乘客电影隐藏着的可怕真相。在小说系列里,Lizzie Griffiths及Sarah Collins是重要角色。
Dr. Brewster's suicide takes a particular twist when the pathologist determines that he had also been bound and gagged. The Brewsters, both medical doctors, ran a pr给饭ivate clinic and their son John, who lived at home, is doctoral candidate in philosophy. One possible suspect is Michael Steppings who threatened the Brewsters and their nurse after his daughter suffered severe side-effects and is now in a vegetative state from a botched operation two years prmd传媒免费观看在线eviously. The forensics lab determines that one of Steppings's threatening letters was altered and Morse learns that Brewster may at one time been having an affair, so he must consider another possible motive for murder.
西蒙·赛伦·琼斯,Pedr James,斯图尔特·厄本
A nine part series depicting the varying fortunes of four friends - Nicky, Geordie, Mary and Tosker - from the optimistic times of 1964 to the uncertainties of 1995. Taking ni2019理论高清在线ne pivotal years (1964, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1995) the personal lives of the characters become intertwined with the political struggles of their home town of Newcastrta向日葵le, and the capital, London. We also see the machinations behind the scenes that 2013最新网游affect their lives, often for the worse: slum housing projects, police corruption, the rise of Thatcherism, political sleaze, and specific events like the 1984 Miners' Strike.